Advantages of Drake Tax Software Hosting
Drake Tax Software is a well known all in one professional tax solution that has been developed for the ease of tax preparation. Hosting of drake software, through an application hosting solution provider, adds very much to its already acknowledged advantages. Hosting Drake Tax Software provides the following advantages-
Anytime, anywhere access round the globe
You get full remote access to your hosted Drake Tax Software application from anywhere through Internet connection. You can access your Drake Tax software at any time and from any place round the whole world. You can fully log into your application and have complete access to your files and data in real time. Your Drake Tax Software application and data are always ready to be accessed as they are securely located on the application hosting solution providers server in its fully protected data center.
Accessibility for multiple users to hosted Drake Tax Software
Hosting Drake Tax Software allows multiple users to access Drake Tax Software application and related documents. In this multiple user access scenario provided by an application hosting solution provider, you and your Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Tax filer can share your data and financial information simultaneously from remote locations from any place in this world. Users only require personal computers or laptops having a web browser installed and Internet.
No local installation of Drake Tax Software
You don’t have to install the Drake Tax software on your local machine. Your Drake Tax software hosting solution provider installs the software on its own server. You can access the tax documents and related files directly from the hosts server.
Enhanced security
Your Drake Tax software hosting solution provider takes full care of your stored monetary data and files through its trained and certified data security professionals. Drake Tax software hosting solution provider is much concerned about the confidentiality of tax returns and other related documents. When you are opting for tax software hosting, you should opt for an application hosting solution provider that provides for your company a fully protected virtual terminal server. Also, security provisions should be such advanced that your company can get hosted other finance related business applications and software like QuickBooks, Peachtree, or other tax software, without any security related worries regarding companys critical monetary data.
User Friendly Terminal Services Environment
Drake Tax software hosting solution provider uses
Windows Terminal Servers for application hosting purpose.
Windows Terminal Servers are among the most popular server operating systems in the hosting market.
Windows Terminal Servers provides users a rich desktop user friendly environment so that users don’t have to bother about software and server implications, and they can freely concentrate on their core business practices.
Drake Tax software hosting solution can be fully integrated with other applications, such as Microsoft Office, as well as add on applications. You can easily export or import your data into Drake Tax software as it has full compatibility with many different types of software, and you can submit directly from within virtual server terminal. Integration
becomes very simple and inexpensive through an application hosting solution provider, as this process is fully managed by the hosting service provider. Drake Tax software can also easily import data from QuickBooks accounting software, and hosting both Drake Tax software and QuickBooks on the application hosting solution providers terminal servers makes this integration easy. Hosting numerous business applications together on the terminal servers makes the hosting process more efficient and less time consuming. The add on applications that can be easily hosted on terminal servers include Document manager, Drake Tax planner, and clients write up.
Full, free, and dedicated support service
Application hosting solution vendor provides free 24/7 dedicated and professional technical support service. Application hosting solution vendor provides 24×7 free technical support services through all possible means. It provides Live Chat, Email, Voice, and remote support service to help you in the best possible ways. Remote support assistance gains access to your local computer with your permission to investigate the issue and resolve it.
Easy implementation and no fear of infrastructures obsoleteness
Application hosting solution vendor provides for the hardware and implementation services for a fraction of the cost of an on-premises solution. All necessary hardware and infrastructure is provided, maintained, and updated by the hosting solution vendor.
Drake Tax software host provides universal printing solution
With Drake Tax software Terminal Server hosting, you can get better printing feasibility. You can access your tax returns and other related documents easily, and print them directly from your local printers while you are working on the Drake Tax software hosting solution providers server. Hosting solution vendors universal printing solution resolves your entire printing headache. It maps all of the printers on its server so that you are just a click away to get hard copies of your jobs done from any place in the world.
Reduction in costs
Drake Tax software hosting solution vendor provides the most flexible
Information Technology or
IT infrastructure to host Drake Tax Software for your business, and has huge costs savings when compared to on premises deployment of Drake Tax Software. You get all the resources at the least cost. You save on software set up, operational, and maintenance costs. Placing your business software with an application hosting solution vendor means, you no longer require dedicated server capital expenditure. Running applications with host allows you to enjoy the possibility of reducing an applications server count to zero. Application hosting model offers small and medium size businesses the possibility of eliminating the need for a data center.
By moving your business software to an application hosting platform, your
Information Technology or
IT staff can instantly push your resources up or down, depending on the immediate needs of your business. This can reduce overall costs incurred in
Information Technology tasks, while at the same time it provides more agility to respond to new business demands. Upgrading infrastructure to meet new business demands, maintaining physical security, and business application software deployment and software patching are just a few examples of costly
Information Technology tasks that are decreased significantly by running a virtualized infrastructure.
Assistance for tax preparation process
Drake Tax software hosting on Terminal Server allows always on access to tax files. As the professionals can collaborate in real time with their clients or other users, this leads to cost and time savings. Having all state and federal forms together on one hosted server simplifies tax preparation process.
Enhancement of
Drake Tax Softwares features
Software hosting service vendor allows very easy management of the client information from any place in the world, and allows offering products at more competitive prices.
Robust Data Backup
Drake Tax software hosting service vendor provides data centers that are fully secure. It provides superb data center facilities that employ latest in access control and data protection. Hosting service vendor provides dual backup of data.